Hello! Thank you so much for taking interest in my most recent project REVIVAL.
How did this project start I think has been the most asked question so I will start there. On my personal coffee table I have Photography books that inspire me. One day I was looking through my favorite “The Best of Helmut Newton” gifted to me by one of my best friends for my birthday. As I licked my fingers to turn the pages I became overwhelmed with this feeling that I need to do more with my work. I often have this feeling, that more needs to come out of how I create art but this day I knew action needed to follow this feeling.
Casey saw herself covered in gold leaf, knowing her story I interpret this as she was the light for herself, her children and other women after the darkness. Styling by Alaina Butler, Makeup by Bree Goodwin, Hair by Haley Scott and Photography by Christine Shields
I am a woman that has experienced multiple forms of abuse and trauma in my life, just like many other women. I have been playing with an idea in my head for the past year wanting to photograph story’s, maybe reenacting, maybe changing the narrative, I wasn’t totally sure. While looking at this photography book I realized I can do more by telling the stories of women like me and women that are nothing like me. I asked one of my best friends who is a survivor of domestic abuse (pictured above) how do I photograph women and tell their stories in a beautiful way. Until now whenever I see a photo telling a story of trauma I see violence, pain, sadness, damage. She said why don’t you shoot them in away they see themselves now? I knew that was perfect and exactly want I wanted to show the world. Also, whenever I go to book stores or shop for photography books they are all a collection of the photographers work, or fashion spreads from Vogue made into a book. While this is beautiful and I truly enjoy looking at this type of work it doesn’t have much substance behind it other than the skills and talent of the designers, models and photographers. I wanted to create something with a story, something that every woman could relate to, something that would make everyone feel. I wanted to create something so beautiful that you display it on your coffee table, show it to your children, guests at dinner parties and you look at for inspiration.
I will be working on this book for the next few years with a projected release date sometime in 2024, this is going to be a long ongoing project. If you would like to be involved with the REVIVAL project please complete the form below . With every sale from REVIVAL a donation will be made to charity (specific charity not decided yet). As much as you are able, please let me know a little about your story and how you see yourself today. If you where to see the perfect photograph that represented you what would that look like?
It’s important for me to note that I believe all women, every single one of us has a story, trauma doesn’t look the same to everyone. Everyday, every experience molds us into who we are in this moment. Some of us healed, some not. I myself have moments where I say wow I am really broken and that’s okay because I’m working on it and although I wish that in my mid 30’s I would have progressed more I have not, but I will. Every women that feels the same as me, still learning, still coping, still feeling fucked up deserves to be photographed for the amazing person they are today.
Also please know that although you are telling me your story that doesn’t mean you have to reveal your story in the book, this is more about telling a story through imaginary. Some women are choosing to tell their story, some are picking a song or a poem that resonates with them or even just a single word along side their image. I want every woman to feel comfortable in expressing themselves in however they feel.
I’m really fucking excited to meet you and tell your story.